Account Administration

User Setup/Template User - Template User consists of a User ID and a Password that may be handed out to staff members that they can use to set up their personal Login information. The Template User ID and Password may be used to log in to the Accreditation Now website. The staff member will then be directed to a screen where they can fill out their personal information. Only basic access is given to any staff member creating their login information via the Template User ID. The Administrator(s) will be sent an email informing them the staff member has set up their login information. At that time the Administrator can edit the staff member's profile to update their security options to ensure they have the proper access for the functions they need.

User Setup/Create New User - Allows the Administrator to grant a staff member access to the Accreditation Now website.

User Setup/Edit User - Allows an Administrator to update a staff member's profile (Name, Email Address, etc.)

User Setup/Mass Email - Staff members who have been set up with profiles on Accreditation Now can be emailed from here to notify them of tasks they need to complete (Trainings, take employee survey, etc.)

Account Setup/Modify Account  - Allows an Administrator to update miscellaneous account information (Organization name, Address, Contact, Anonymous User Password, Training Expiration, etc.)

Account Setup/Manage Locations - Allows an Administrator to add or remove company locations.

Account Setup/Modify Incidents List - Accreditation Now has a set of default incidents we provide that can be used when completing a Critical Incident Report. If there are Incidents in our default list that an organization does not want used, they can be unchecked and staff members will not see these as possible incidents to choose from.

Account Setup/Manage Web Links - Web links are links that our subscribers may use to provide access to either/and Anonymous Corporate Compliance Reporting, Anonymous Employee Surveys, Community Stakeholder Surveys from a subscriber's web site. Simply copy the link provided and place them on your web site.

Training Setup/Training Schedule - This will allow an Administrator or a Staff Member with authority to review trainings to set up a training schedule determining what trainings are to be taken, how often and when they are due.

Training Setup/Aknowledgements - This allows an Adminstrator or a staff member with authority to review trainings to set up text that has to be reviewed by staff members either on a one-time or recurring basis (Employee New Hire Orientation, Code of Conduct/Ethics, Computer Security Agreement, etc). After the staff member reviews the material, they will be asked to confirm they have reviewed the material. These items can be scheduled via the Training Schedule and will be listed on the Training Reports as if they are an employee training.