Print Certificate Help

This page  can only be accessed by an Administrator or an individual who has been specifically granted authority to View Training Results for all staff members.

Certificates - Certificates may be printed for staff members who have passed the training courses on the Accreditation Now Website -or- you may print the Required Training and/or Optional Training certificates for in-house trainings that your staff has completed.

Required Training Certificate - This certificate has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the training, the title of the Required Training taken, the Human Resource Director, the date the training was taken, and the agency for which the individual works. In addition, the text at the bottom describing who prepared and presented the training  may be modified if doing an in-house training not associated with Accreditation Now.

Optional Training Certificate - This certificate has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the training, the title of the Optional Training taken, the Human Resource Director, the date the training was taken, and the agency for which the individual works. In addition, the text at the bottom describing who prepared and presented the training  may be modified if doing an in-house training not associated with Accreditation Now.

Required Group Training Certificate Series I (6)  - This certificate has the original 6 Series I Trainings offerred by Accreditation Now listed. It has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the trainings, the title of the original 6 Series I Required Trainings taken, the Human Resource Director, the date the trainings were taken, and the agency for which the individual works.

Required Group Training Certificate Series II (6)  - This certificate has the original 6 Series II Trainings offerred by Accreditation Now listed. It has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the trainings, the title of the original 6 Series II Required Trainings taken, the Human Resource Director, the date the trainings were taken, and the agency for which the individual works. 

Required Group Training Certificate Series I (8)  - This certificate has the 8 Series I Trainings offerred by Accreditation Now listed. It has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the trainings, the title of the 8 Series I Required Trainings taken, the Human Resource Director, the date the trainings were taken, and the agency for which the individual works.

Required Group Training Certificate Series II (8)  - This certificate has the 8 Series II Trainings offerred by Accreditation Now listed. It has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the trainings, the title of the 8 Series II Required Trainings taken, the Human Resource Director, the date the trainings were taken, and the agency for which the individual works. 

Optional Training Certificate for Infection Control - This certificate may be used for any staff members completing the Accreditation Now optional training for Infection Control in the Human Service Environment. It has text boxes where you may enter; the name of the individual who completed the training, the Human Resource Director, the date the training was taken, and the agency for which the individual works.