The critical incident reporting system allows for staff members to enter critical incident reports online. It allows for entering incident date and time, location, number and names of individuals involved, description of incidents, actions taken, etc. When an incident is entered, the critical incident/safety officer will be notified via email that a report has been entered. The critical incident/safety officer will be able to do an investigation and report their findings for each incident entered. Date and times of the incident, the incident entry and the incident investigation (along with any follow ups) will all be saved to assist in ensuring timelines are being met. The critical incident summary report can be run for any time periods required. It can be run for a single location or all locations and it will detail total incidents, number of AM/PM incidents, number of incidents filed more than three days after the incident, provide an average number of days between reporting and response and will list a total of incidents by category.
The summary report also allows for entering and maintaining; General Comments, Causes and Trends, Actions for Improvements, Results of Performance Improvement Plans, Necessary Education and Training of Personnel and Prevention of Recurrence.
CARF® mandates that summaries are analyzed at least annually but depending upon the number of incidents, an organization may want to summarize monthly or quarterly.
CARF® is a registered trademark of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Accreditation Now, Inc. is not a partner or affiliated with CARF® in any way.